The Audre Lorde Scholarship Fund
From 1995- 2008, the Audre Lorde Scholarship Fund, founded by Mary Anne Adams and administered by ZAMI: Atlanta’s Premiere Organization for Lesbians of African Descent based in Atlanta, Georgia awarded over $200,000 in scholarships and expenses to out LGBTQ students of color globally. In 2013, the scholarship fund was re-launched by ZAMI NOBLA to provide scholarship assistance solely to Black lesbians over the age of 50 living anywhere in the United States.
Please Note! ZAMI NOBLA will not be awarding scholarships in 2021. We encourage you to submit an application during the 2022 funding cycle. The Audre Lorde Scholarship Fund awards scholarships to Out Black lesbians 50 years and older making significant contributions to their communities. ZAMI NOBLA wants to support and encourage their continuing education by providing scholarships to those students enrolled in accredited technical, under-graduate and graduate programs anywhere in the U.S. Each award is $1000 or more. Please donate to The Audre Lorde Scholarship Fund or to fund a named award, email us @ zaminobla@zaminobla.org or call 404 510-1660.
Purpose of Awards
The Audre Lorde Scholarship Awards are designed to recognize out* Black lesbians making significant contributions to your communities. ZAMI NOBLA wants to support and encourage your continuing education by providing scholarships to older lesbians enrolled in accredited technical, undergraduate and graduate programs. Out* is defined as an acknowledgement of lesbian identify to self, and to family, friends, and community.
An out Black lesbian who is 50 years old or older attending any technical, undergraduate or graduate school located in the United States
Accepted or registered at a post-secondary educational institution for full or part-time attendance as defined by the institution
Cumulative high school/college/or technical school grade point average of 3.0 or higher
Please do not submit an application if you do not meet the eligibility requirements as your application will not be reviewed. No exceptions to the eligibility requirements are considered. The Fund does not offer scholarships for weekend programs, summer sessions, research, special projects, or for study out of the country.
Submit official/unofficial up- to- date academic transcript (s) supporting the GPA entered on your application. You may send transcripts only from your most recent school(s), or high school provided two semesters of study are included.
Acceptance letter if you are an entering freshman or transfer student.
Completion of two of five essay questions outlined in the application.
Do not combine answers. Each essay answer must be at least a page in length.
Three letters of recommendations~ one must be from a teacher/ professor, one must be from a supervisor/ mentor, and one from an activist/organizer in the LGBTQ community. Letters from partners not accepted. NO EXCEPTIONS!
A recent photograph suitable for publication; i.e., a cap and gown picture, or other professional quality headshot photograph. We prefer to receive photographs by email.
Application will not be accepted if a clean headshot is not enclosed. NO EXCEPTIONS!!!
The Audre Lorde Scholarship Fund Application
P.O. Box 90986, Atlanta, Georgia 30364
Deadline for this application is June 30, 2022
*Please note: You can attach any additional examples of your work or a video tape/DVD introducing yourself if you feel this will make your application stronger. This is not in lieu of the application or written essays. ZAMI NOBLA will not return any items.
Deadline for this application is June 30, 2020. NO EXCEPTIONS.
Application Deadline
If you are unable to complete this application online, please send an email to zaminobla@zaminobla.org We cannot and do not mail applications.All application materials must be postmarked by June 30, 2022 and mailed to:
P.O. Box 90986
Atlanta, Georgia 30364
We prefer that all application materials be mailed as one package. If the references or transcript(s) are mailed under separate cover, the student is responsible for making sure that we receive it on or before the deadline. *We require that you also email one application package with the exception of transcripts and recommendation letters to zaminobla@zaminobla.org
Incomplete or late applications will not be reviewed. (NO EXCEPTIONS). We cannot confirm receipt of your application; therefore, we recommend you use a delivery confirmation and tracking system, such as the USPS registered mail. Awards are for the current academic year only and by law the checks are made out to the recipient and the academic institution. Please send proof of official registration to ZAMI NOBLA at the beginning of the school year.
A scholarship committee reviews applications. Finalists may be invited to participate in a telephone interview. Checks not processed with the academic institution within 90 days of receipt will be rendered null and void by the Audre Lorde Scholarship Fund. Early applications are encouraged. Recipients may re- apply each year. Awardees will be notified on or before August 15, 2022.